About Us
Lighthouse Network is a “relational network” of Christian believers and ministries that is advocating for the peoples and nations of the Middle East to prepare for the fulfillment of Isaiah 19—with a special focus on unifying those nations to stand with God’s purposes for the return of the Lord Jesus to reign and rule over all the nations of the earth from Jerusalem.
Tom & Teresa Craig
Tom & Teresa are originally from Denver, Colorado. They have served the Lord in the Middle East for over 30 years. For the past 25 years they have focused primarily on networking with believers in the Middle East who are involved in worship and intercession ministry. They have helped in encouraging the development of “houses of prayer” (after the spirit of the Tabernacle of David) across the region of the Middle East. Lighthouse Network facilitates a relational network called the ‘Net,’ which connects those involved in houses of prayer and others living along the “Highway of Worship” described in Isaiah 19 (Egypt, Assyria and Israel). A primary focus for us now is living and serving the Lord with this vision from the City of Jerusalem—which is the “ultimate destination” of the Isaiah 19 “Highway of Worship!

The Lighthouse Network functions in four primary ministry expressions; Advocacy, Gatherings, Creative Outreach, and Hospitality.
ADVOCACY: Advocacy for these nations happens through the ongoing development of the “relational network” (the ‘Net’) within the nations of the Middle East region. As well as, through teaching and training worldwide about these peoples and nations, which thus advocates for intercessors globally to agree with God’s destiny for these biblical nations.
GATHERINGS: The Lighthouse Network gathers believers from the nations of the Middle East to strengthen their relationships and unity with one another—and to develop “common vision” for the fulfillment of Isaiah 19.
CREATIVE OUTREACH: This is done through relationship building, recording the lives of people, as well as their history through photographs and stories, which are then relayed through books and social media. In order to raise awareness for the body of Christ to become effective intercessors for the peoples within these nations—and to prepare their hearts to receive the Lord and His salvation.
HOSPITALITY: Another core value of Lighthouse Network is to facilitate times of hospitality and refreshing for those believers who are connecting with the “relational network”—the ‘Net’—through periodic conferences, small group meetings, worship & prayer, and fellowship times and meals together.
The Lord has clearly directed those in the ‘Net’ to embrace and live out together—at a heart-level—Five Foundational Values.
The Glory of God and the Finished Work of Christ: The vision and ministry of the Lighthouse Network (LHN) is based entirely upon the foundation of Jesus Christ and the finished work He accomplished through His death and resurrection for our salvation, sanctification, and glorification. The ‘Net’ are those who trust and rest upon His completed redemptive work at the Cross, and labor together with others of like heart and mind from this divine foundation of rest in order to see His Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.
Intimacy with God – Through Worship and Intercession: Focusing believers on their “first love” relationship with Jesus, through worship and intercession, has been a foremost and integral part of the LHN ministry and those involved in the ‘Net’. It is through our personal experiences of His presence and the revelation of His love, which He releases into our spirits that we come to know His heart, His priorities, and His plans for us—as well as, for our families, our relationships with others, our ministries, and our nations.
Genuine Relationships with One Another – and Reconciliation: The ‘Net’ strongly values genuine, mutual relationships between believers in the Body of Christ. In addition, the ‘Net’ sees the reconciliation of all peoples, especially Jewish and Arabic believers, as an essential reality of its very character and ministry—and a focus that must be encouraged, lived out and strengthened. (i.e. the “One New Man” relationship in Christ – Ephesians 2:14-18)
Honoring, Experiencing, and Releasing the Holy Spirit’s Presence, Power and Creativity: Another core value of the ‘Net’ is to see the Holy Spirit’s presence, supernatural power and creative ministry released through fully surrendered hearts. For His power to be experienced in the Body of Christ and among those in the world around us. Various creative expressions of the Holy Spirit’s ministry may be manifested along such avenues as: prophecy, the arts, writing, teaching, healing, miracles, etc. Such a joyful, yielding of our whole hearts to the Holy Spirit leads to the Glory of God!
Fully Committed to the Fulfillment of Isaiah 19: Those in the ‘Net’ are whole-heartedly committed to seeing the fulfillment of Isaiah 19—and, therefore, they seek covenant together with others in the ‘Net’ to raise up corporate worship and intercession, build genuine relationships and release the Holy Spirit’s power in order to see this very significant prophetic passage be fulfilled for God’s glory.
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